We would love for you to join our Community Worship Gatherings!
It’s summer!
This is always a unique season in our year, regardless of the weather. We have a different mentality, a different focus, a greater freedom to rest and connect relationally with God and others.
We love to worship at the park in the summer! Weather permitting, we will be at Parc du Cinquantenaire every summer Sunday.
Our summer series is “Spiritual Pairings: Gifts & Fruit of the Holy Spirit.” Each week a friend from our community will pair and share a gift & fruit of the Holy Spirit, and how it can be meaningful in our faith, community, and mission, so we can be fruitful together…like a pair of pears!
Join us this Sunday, 25 August, when we are considering the spiritual gift of serving alongside the spiritual fruit of faithfulness.
Our Summer Worship Gatherings will take place from 11:00-12:30 at Guingette Maurice, the pop up bar at the Schuman end of Parc du Cinquentenaire.
Everyone is welcome!
God bless you! He loves you!
Upcoming Sunday Worship Gatherings
25 August & 1 September 2024, 11:00 – 12:30
At Guinguette Maurice, Parc du Cinquantenaire 1000 Brussels
Mid-week opportunities to grow in faith, community and mission.
Roodebeek Home Group | Ixelles Home Group | Merode Home Group
Prayer & Intercession Gathering
Contact: simone@thewell.be